
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dare to try different hairstyles?

Dare to try different hairstyles?even awkward/weird hairstyles?I about you?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Nervous for Final Exam...maybe I'm expecting too much...I'm afraid of failure...I'm not mentally ready for everything...for every circumstances...I shouldn't be like this...maybe the 'nervousness' is coming into my nerves...into my blood circulation...into my mind...into my all...the final exam will be held on next week...just around the, I'm at the corner of my class thinking of this...this FINAL EXAM...come...FINAL EXAM...come...give me easy questions...okay!...:P...I'm not capable enough to answer your hard questions...your confusing questions...that's all...

Monday, April 5, 2010

We shall overcome......

After watching a film named "My Name is Khan",my housemate (she's not a Malaysian) had asked me whether I've heard the song titled "We shall overcome"...(that song's being included in that film)...actually it's not really a song but like a short verse of song...

hmmm...back to the question...I've told her that I've never heard about that song/verse before (am I too outdated?)hahaha...:P, but that song/verse is really like a motivational and giving me inspiration to be a bit confidence and believe in myself...

"We Shall Overcome" became particularly popular in the 1960s, during the Civil Rights movement in America, after Pete Seeger picked it up, adapted it, and taught it to his audiences to sing. However, the song had a half century (or so) to evovle and expand its meaning before Seeger and Joan Baez popularized it during the folk revival.

The melody dates back to before the Civil War, from a song called "No More Auction Block For Me." Originally, the lyrics were "I'll overcome someday," which dates back to a turn-of-the-20th-century song by the Reverend Charles Tindley of Philadelphia.

The song didn't appear on a large scale until 1946, during a labor strike at the American Tobacco Company. One of the women striking that day – Lucille Simmons – began singing slowly, "Deep in my heart I do believe we'll overcome some day."

Zilphia Horton, whose husband was the co-founder of the Highlander Folk School (aka Highlander Research and Education Center), learned the song from Simmons and, a year later, taught it to folk singer Pete Seeger.

The adaptation of the song to its current lyric is often attributed to Pete Seeger, but there is some debate over whether Seeger changed the lyric to "We Shall Overcome," or whether this was the doing of others at the Highlander School. At any rate, Seeger taught the song to other folksingers and, a decade later (1959), the song was brought back to the Highlander School.

Since then, "We Shall Overcome" has spread from folksinger to folksinger, through protests and peace rallies, song circles, and open mics. It was recorded by Joan Baez in 1963 and became a major anthem of the Civil Rights movement.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

What will happen when Funny People Died?????

a Popular comedian (in Malaysia) Din Beramboi, 43, died of hemorrhagic dengue fever at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Selayang Hospital at 12.30am Friday.

He'd cheered up Malaysians everyday with his programme "Riuh Pagi Era"...what will happen after this?is there anyone who can replace him? I don't think so...everyone is different...we cannot get a 100% new Din Beramboi...he's so creative in making jokes...I haven't found yet anyone who's so creative in making jokes like him...everytime he'd opened his mouth, it's equal to laugh...what will happen to the world/nation when there's no funny people?life would be boring isn't it?...T_T...

BUT!!!what can we do? that Friday was the time for him to meet God...R.I.P for Din Beramboi...T_T...please God...., send someone else who can cheer up our lives...even he/she will not be as funny as Din Beramboi but at least he/she is funnier than me then it's okay...:P...

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My CRIMINAL class today...what a colourful class!!!

My lecturer named Mr Shukri came to class around 8.30 am, guess how many students who’d came early in that class?…just 40 students…there should be 60 students…where were those 20 students? maybe in heaven (just joking)…

Mr Shukri had started his class with “briefing about how undisciplined and Immoral students are generally”, but I can make a conclusion that he was referring to those 20 students…perhaps…

Our topic today was “Causing Death” according to Section 100 of the Penal Code, “The right of private defence of the body extends, under the restrictions mentioned in the last preceding section, to the voluntary causing of death or of any other harm to the assailant, if the offence which occasions the exercise of the right is of any of the following descriptions”………………………………….

I’m not going to put all of those descriptions that can be found under the Penal Code of Malaysia, however there are two descriptions under Section 100 of the Penal Code that made me realized/noticed about something…and both descriptions = factors of why today’s criminal class was colourful…

Mr Shukri asked a student regarding the first description, “such an assault as may reasonably cause the apprehension that death will otherwise be the consequence of such assault”…..

Dialogues between Mr Shukri and that student :

Mr Shukri : You! (he’d pointed his finger to a student) what do you think about the first description? What is the meaning of “on the bring of being killed”?

Student A : hmm…if that person felt that he will be killed and being threatened to death…and the meaning of “on the bring of being killed” is at that moment the murderer wants to kill you…at that point of time…immediately…

Mr Shukri : Why are you saying like that? Give me the reason…

Student A : I don’t know will be the reasons to both answers but I’ve given you answers for your questions…

Mr Shukri : What!!!(Shocked)…how can you gave me those answers without knowing how to analyze it! Yes, your answers are true but those answers are rubbish…you better shut your mouth!!! Older people said that “if you have brains, use it”…think before you say something…

All of students were quiet…

Mr Shukri : why all of you so sensitive, after I gave my words like that all of you suddenly quiet…do not afraid to give me answers but please!!! Be like law students…
My Conclusion : He’d never ever angry before but today he’s doing a right job…I like when he’s playing his role as a strict lecturer…that’s the way it should be…then, the first colour = red because he was angry.

Mr Shukri later asked about the second description…it’s about an assault with the intention of committing rape…

Dialogues between Mr Shukri and students :

Mr Shukri : How about the second description? Committing rape…

All of students were in the mood of smiling and laughing…

Mr Shukri : Quickly…quickly…answer me…Okay, how do you know that a guy will rape you?he then pointed to a girl(student)…

Student B : when he’d showed his intention…

Mr Shukri : yes, I know, but how? how? tell me how he shows his intention to rape?(he pointed to another student)

To inform = Rape other sexual activities = really a sensitive topic to talk about among Malay society.

Student C (girl) : In a point that he’s really right besides you and look at you like a tiger that’s so hungry…like you as his victim…

Mr Shukri : not a good answer…okay…you! (he pointed to another girl)

Student D (girl) : when he gave his facial expression…giving sexual desire…

All of students were laughing at the moment when she stressed the word “sexual”…not because of the word itself but how she pronounced the word “sexual” was so funny…

Mr Shukri : no…that’s not a correct answer…I want a more clearer definition..hey! don’t make it as a funny thing especially to girls…how can you protect yourself when you don’t know what “rape” is…

Hello mister…we (girls) knew what “rape” is…just cannot express how it happened…do you expect us to say…when he put his “thing” inside your “thing” and that’s rape!!!..haha…

Oh! Continue again the dialogue…

Mr Shukri : I want to hear from a guy what is actually “rape” (he pointed to a guy)

Student E (guy) : when he tore your clothes…hehe…(with a smiling face)…


Mr Shukri : we cannot say that with throwing off all your clothes then the rape was being committed…how if he’d threw off your cloth but he’s unable to penetrate his private part inside yours…we cannot say that he’d committed rape…


My conclusion: My conclusion for the second dialogue/description is, every society has his own value…if you come here, you’ll find different thoughts and also if you go there you’ll also face the same thing…whatever it is…it’s all about you…:P…oh, I forgot…the second colour = blue…because Mr Shukri discussed about “blue” thing….:P…Today’s colours = Red and Blue ###

NST : Moscow Metro blasts: ‘I am lucky to be alive’

Dalvinder Here (right), a sixth-year medical student at Moscow Medical Academy, with Sim Eih Xing who survived the Metro bombing in Moscow on Sunday.

KUALA LUMPUR: "It's a miracle, I survived."

This was what 24-year-old Sim Eih Xing had to say when recalling the bomb blast incidents on the Metro line in Moscow last Sunday.

Sim, from Penang, was one of the three Malaysian students who sustained minor injuries in the second blast at the Metro Park Kultury station.

"I was barely a feet away from the coach when it exploded. I heard a loud explosion and saw bright sparks.

"Before I knew it, the situation turned chaotic and I could see bodies sprawled inside the coach and injured people everywhere," he told the New Straits Times in a telephone interview from his hospital bed in Moscow yesterday.

Sim had just got off the coach when the explosion happened at 8.45am local time. He had slight injuries on the head and left leg.

The first blast occurred at 8am at the Lubyanka metro station, killing 20 passengers while the second blast, 45 minutes later, at the Park Kultury station killed 19 passengers. Many were injured.

Sim, a Moscow Medical Academy final-year student, said he was grateful to be alive.

"For a moment, I thought I had gone deaf. Everything happened so fast and all I thought of was to get out of the station."

Sim said he boarded the train at the Metro Spartivenaya station with a friend.

However, they got off three stations ahead of their destination because they had felt uneasy.

"We didn't know about the first explosion then. We felt uneasy when we saw a weird-looking woman in a black bulky jacket in the coach.

"At the Park Kultury station, my friend suggested we get off. And after doing so, the coach exploded," Sim said, adding that he owed his life to his friend, Hoong Hua Sheng.

He considered himself lucky because despite being so close to the coach, his injuries were lighter compared with the other two Malaysians.

Sim's coursemates, Elaine Chew, 24, and Er Chee Huat, 24, were also injured in the blast.

"Although the duo were only two coaches ahead of me, their injuries were more severe."

Sim, who is expected to be discharged today, said Chew, of Subang Jaya, sustained leg injuries while Er, of Yong Peng, Johor, was expected to undergo surgery to his ear drum.

The three Malaysians are warded at 600 Koeka Hospital.

A spokesman for the Malaysian embassy in Moscow said the situation in the city was back to normal.

"The Metro line resumed its operations at 4pm local time yesterday (Monday). The local authority has also beefed up security."

He said embassy officials who visited the students reported them to be in a stable condition.

"It's a matter of time before they are discharged from the hospital."

There are about 1,200 Malaysians studying in Moscow.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Gosh!!! What are Beautiful Designs!

*I have a post which titled " sugar destroys your health"...YES! Sugary products are totally bad for health because your body can generate foods into glucose as a sugar that provides energy into your body system…HOWEVER, Sugary products or Junk foods will always be our top temptations isn’t it? To those who addicts with Sugary products and Junk foods, I’ll advise you again to cut down a bit your habits gradually…I understand it’s so hard to change your diet drastically…

*Actually I’ll not typing again about how bad sugar it is to your body but today I’ll give you pictures of how creative those food decorators/designers who'd designed really cute cupcakes, cakes or other foods…AGAIN!!! DO NOT focus with the contents/ingredients of those foods but focus on the creativities/ideas of those Chefs or food decorators/designers making those foods be as our temptations…:P

Safari cute...:P

If your kids do not like to eat breads...this would be a good way to attract designing their breads...:)


Decorate your favourite fruits...

Robotic cupcakes for your son...for his birthday...XD


All in one...

Simple but nice...

A bit scary to eat this cake isn't it?however this is what we call as creative...huhu...DO NOT show it to your children, especially to those who are "UNDER AGE" or whoever that has heart problem...:P