
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sugar...Sugar...How Sugar Destroys YOUR HEALTH!!!

I'm a crazy fan of SUGARY FOODS AND DRINKS!!!however, I have to make a presentation in my class and it's all about the negative sides of SUGAR...Yes, a bit boring...nevertheless, I've found some interesting facts about SUGAR which maybe you don't know before like SUGAR GIVES WRINKLES!!!

*Sugar is a basic element found in starchy food. But refined sugar, the white stuff we call "sugar" is not real food. It's a man-made poison in sweet disguise.

*Refined white sugar is an industrially processed chemical not found in nature and is not fit for human consumption.

*It is devoid of nutrients and acts more like a drug than a food. In fact, it does more damage to human health than any other poison, drug or narcotic.

*Sugar is a dangerous TASTY substance...why is it dangerous?cause...:

1. It promotes DIABETES (Diabetes can cause BLINDNESS, HEART DISEASE, KIDNEY FAILURE and when wounds in foot that won't heal, leading to AMPUTATION).

2. Sugar feeds cancer.

3. Sugar depresses the immune system and lowers our immunity to diseases.

4. Acidity in mouth increases 100 times when we eat sugar and may cause tooth decay.

5. Contributes to Osteoporosis.

6. Brain Decay.

7. Gallstones.

8. Poor bowel movement.

9. Short-sightedness.

10.Like what I've stated above : SUGAR GIVES YOU WRINKLES!!!.

11.Increase the size of your liver.


13.Cause headaches, including migraine.

All of the points/facts that I've given were from reliable sources...


1. A book named "The Ecologists"

2. A book titled " Sugar Blues" from William Dufty

3. Journal of Nutrition, Vol. 116, No. 11S

4. Archieves of Internal Medicine (12th September 2005)

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