
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cheer up your day with this funny video!!!

This video is really funny especially to those creatures(Human Being,Animals and Plants...kidding...:P) who understand/know Malay language. Actually this singer (I don't know about his name...:P) sang this song in Tamil language. For your information, there are some similarities between Tamil and Malay languages in term of pronunciation as both languages originated/came from sanskrit language. Same pronunciation with different meanings. Different meanings that will make you laugh...(psst= if you do not laugh, I don't know what to say)

Geli Mat’s lyrics in Malay language:
Hadi, pagi ni merdeka
Marilah kita bergembira!
Geli, Mat!
Geli, Mat Mat Mat Mat
Kasi murah kalkulator Encik Tabo
Nih Pak Leman tak meleter
Yay mau tabur!
Kangaroo patahkan shin guard Amar,
Walaupun wat budaya tak bayar amma!
Geli, Mat!
Geli, Mat Mat Mat Mat
Untakah ni?Mata go yeah!
Kucing kacang batik,
Muthu kata, “Lentik!”
I lari portable on my dude
Ala…mati cis, Taro!
Kerna Licca miss Taro
Bonda multi-poyokah?
Uh uh Papa rest, Taro…
Owh you tea, uh tea Ovaltine
Owh Shaltee Shan binti Wan Shah T
Road drum, bell drum raining, pesal?
Bukan, bukan moo moo, sah ?
Gila! Gila! Gila! Gila!
Geli, Mat!
Geli, Mat Mat Mat Mat
Gila! Gila! Gila! Gila!
Please be berani, Godzilla!
Butakah ni?
Lick me go yeah! Kobis kayap ler, seedy!
Gonggong lain tu, kutip!
Salah edar kargo you buduh!!!
Check tak baldi, cess…Taro!
Ko di medan kos taruh!
Masha, ala…pi peluk!
Misha celup pak karut
Ohh..lari pari bye, lari!
Ohh..kaka kali kangkang, hee!
Pil “Brem” pil “Brem” Pirlo usha!
Mundo Bear muka perit, syial!
Gila! Gila! Gila! Gila!
Geli, Mat!
Geli, Mat Mat Mat Mat
Kasi murah kalkulator Encik Tabo
Nih Pak Leman tak meleter
Yay mau tabur!
Kangaroo patahkan shin guard Amar,
Walaupun wat budaya tak bayar amma!
Geli, Mat!
Geli, Mat Mat Mat Mat

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